Model form of Consortium agreement

Dette skjemaet tar for seg avtaler hvor to eller flere bedrifter bestemmer seg for å samarbeide på et spesifikt prosjekt, gjelder hovedsaklig levering og oppføring av større industrielle installasjoner.

The model form is intended for use when two or more companies agree to co-operate on a specific project. The consortium tenders for and, if the tender is successful, performs the contract with the customer. The contract is usually for supply and erection of a fairly large industrial installation. The consortium is dissolved once the project has been completed. Among the important items are the project manager's authority, and members' liability toward the customer, each other and third parties.

The model is written for what is generally referred to as an open consortium, i.e. the consortium acts as such towards the customer, but the model may also be of some help in negotiating a contract for a "silent" consortium.

Pris medlem: 200,-
Pris ikke-medlem: 350,-

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